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Autism Awareness
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Course description
Autism is a mystifying condition that has been the focus of a wide range of scientific research over the years. The Autism Awareness course aims to develop students understanding of autism and gives practical suggestions when working with autistic individuals.
Autism refers to a whole range of social, language and communication problems. The condition can range from hardly there at all, often undiagnosed and even unrecognised, to severe, where it is virtually impossible for people to participate in day to day social / society activities.
There are little boundaries between the conditions Kanner and Asperger identified. often people are in-between, whether in between normal and Aspergers syndrome. It is common to refer to autistic spectrum disorder(ASD) as which allows for the differences in symptoms and severity witnessed. A person without ASD is called neuro-typical.
Approximately 700,000 people in the UK According to the National Autistic Society have autism i.e. 1 out of 100 have this condition.
The term autism is used to describe all individuals on the autism spectrum. Autism is a lifelong condition and if individuals do not receive the right support it can have a detrimental effect on the sufferer and those around them i.e. families and friends.
Course aims
This course will enable you to become familiar with various approaches to autism, increase awareness of how to obtain diagnosis and understand the genetic environmental causes of autism.
The aim of this course is to provide a better awareness of the term autism and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD).
Typical course content
Module 1 - What is autism?
Define autism
Understand the difference between autism and Aspergers syndrome
Explain the gender differences
Identify conditions related to ASD
Explain how research in other conditions can help research into autism
Module 2 - Legislation and Autism
Name some of the Acts that protect people with autism and disabled people in general
Explain what a reasonable adjustment is
Give examples of reasonable adjustments
Describe the aims of the autism strategy and explain how this will help people with ASD
Module 3 - Triad of Impairments
Name the triad of impairments
Identify problems caused by impairments of social language
Identify impairments of social interaction and explain the problems these can cause for someone with ASD
Explain the theory of mind
Understand what problems can occur when theory of mind fails to adequately develop
Identify and categorise problems of social impairments with a client
Module 4 - Explaining Autistic Behaviours
Understand why people with autism behave the way they do
Identify possible causes of problematic behaviours
Define the term sensory sensitivity
Explain the problems that people might have if they are hyper or hypo sensitive
Apply knowledge of sensory sensitivity to experience with clients in the workplace
Module 5 - Causes of autism
Explain the difference between autism and autistic traits
Explain why twin studies are important to researchers
Understand genetic and environmental causes of autism
Module 6 - Diagnosing Autism
Have increased awareness of how to obtain a diagnosis
Give reasons why there has been an increase in number of diagnostic cases
Explain what is meant by epidemic and explain why autism is not an epidemic
Identify and describe the advantages and disadvantages of a getting a formal diagnosis
Explain the role of the GP in the diagnostic process
Explain what is meant by the social model of disability
Module 7 - Approaches to autism
Explain what an SSRI is and how this group of drugs can be used to help some problems associated with autism
Explain what Intensive Interaction is
Identify what fundamentals of communication are and give examples of these
Explain what happens during an interactive episode
Name and identify some alternative communication systems
Explain how the creation of autism friendly places supports the social model of disability
Identify some autism friendly places
Suggest things that can be done to make places more friendly
Module 8 - Practical suggestions when working with autistic individuals
Define the term neurotypical
Identify symptoms and solutions for anxiety
Identify how often we use abstract language in everyday speech and identify some of the things we can say instead when talking to a person with an ASD
Describe a way a person with ASD can be helped to show and understand their emotions
Explain how visual aids can be used to help with everyday tasks
Describe how people with ASD can be supported through changes in their life
Module 9 - Explaining the myths
Explain why there is confusion surrounding MMR and autism
Identify the importance of children getting vaccinated
Explain what a savant skill is and give examples of some
Previous knowledge
No prior learning knowledge or experience is essential to take this course.
Completing a series of tutor marked assignments and or activities marked by your assigned tutor.
You will receive the course manual, assignments, study guide or on-line password and access to learning resources depending on the type of course you start i.e paper based or on-line. Full tutor support by mail, email and on-line via our partner organisation depending on your chosen study route. Their student support team are also available for any other queries that you may have whilst completing your course. You can be assured that 12 months unlimited support will be available during your studies. There will be no need to struggle or feel isolated during your studies.
Start times
You have the freedom to start the course at any time and continue your studies at your own pace for a period of up to 12 months from initial registration with full tutor support.
Awarding organisation
Full details ....
Investment figure shown above is fully inclusive of study material, support, awarding body registration costs where applicable. But excludes non on-line study material delivery outside of mainland England where applicable. VAT not applicable.
Stage payment terms available. No interest charged. Ask for details.
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0845 474 5005
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