Study options available
Home learning or study, distance learning, flexible study, supported study and professional workplace learning available. Study at home, at work or a mix of both, at a time and place that fits your personal needs. No exams, online course with full tutor support if needed.
Course description and Content
This is a QCF qualification which covers:
Principles of communication in adult social care settings
This unit introduces the importance of communication in adult social care settings, and ways to overcome barriers to meet individual needs and preferences in communication.
Principles of personal development in adult social care settings
This unit introduces the concepts of personal development and reflective practice, which are fundamental to adult social care roles.
Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings
This unit introduces the concept of inclusion, which is fundamental to working in adult social care settings.
Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care
This unit introduces the important area of safeguarding individuals from abuse. It identifies different types of abuse and the signs and symptoms that might indicate abuse is occurring. It considers when individuals might be particularly vulnerable to abuse and what a learner must do if abuse is suspected or alleged.
Introduction to duty of care in health, social care or childrens and young peoples settings
This unit introduces the concept of duty of care and awareness of dilemmas or complaints that may arise where there is a duty of care.
Understand the role of the social care worker
This unit provides the knowledge required to understand the nature of working relationships, working in ways that are agreed with the employer, and working in partnership with others.
Understand person-centred approaches in adult social care settings
This unit introduces the concept of person-centred support as a fundamental principle of social care.
Understand health and safety in social care settings
This unit introduces knowledge and understanding of areas of health and safety required to working in a social care setting.
Understand how to handle information in social care settings
This unit introduces knowledge required for good practice in recording, storing and sharing information in a social care setting.
This qualification is aimed at learners interested in, or new to, working in adult social care in England. It relates to the knowledge elements covered across the mandatory units of the Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England and forms the knowledge component of the Health and Social Care Apprenticeship Framework.
There are no specific prior qualifications needed to access this qualification. However, learners might find it useful if they have already completed a Level 1 qualification.
This qualification is suitable for learners aged pre-16 and above.
The primary purpose of this qualification is to support progression to further learning in the following areas:
Horizontal progression into, for example:- Level 2 Certificate for Working in the Health Sector
- Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England
- Level 2 Award in Substance Misuse
- Level 2 Award in Stroke Awareness
- Level 2 Certificate in Common Health Conditions
- Intermediate Level Apprenticeship in Health & Social Care
- Intermediate Level Apprenticeship in Health (Clinical Healthcare Support)
- Intermediate Level Apprenticeship in Health (Healthcare Support Services)
Vertical progression into, for example:- Level 3 Award in the Awareness of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England
- Level 3 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care
- Level 3 Certificate for Working in the Health Sector
- Level 3 Certificate in the Principles of End of Life Care
- Level 3 Certificate in Stroke Care Management
- Level 3 Diploma In Allied Health Profession Support
- Advanced level Apprenticeship in Health & Social Care
- Advanced Level Apprenticeship in Health (Clinical Healthcare Support)
- Advanced Level Apprenticeship in Health (Healthcare Support Services
This qualification can also support progression to employment and progression within employment for the following job roles and workers:- Support Worker (Supported Living)
- Healthcare Support Service Worker
- Clinical Healthcare Support Worker
- Healthcare Assistant
- Mental Health Support Worker
- Mental Health Outreach Worker
- Substance Misuse Worker
- Health Education/Health Promotion Worker
- Care Assistants/Support Workers/Key Workers in residential settings
- Healthcare Assistants/Support Workers in community and primary care environments
- Healthcare Assistants/Support Workers in acute health environments
- Care Assistants/Support Workers/Key Workers in domiciliary services
- Care Assistants/Support Workers/Key Workers in day services
- Personal Assistants employed directly by the individual they support or their famili
Completion of a series of online assessments and activities marked by your assigned tutor. Full support offered.
You will receive an online password and access to learning resources required for your chosen course. In addition, unlimited full email, telephone access to an experienced dedicated personal tutors.
Start times
You have the freedom to start the course at any time and continue your studies at your own pace for a period of up to 12 months from initial registration with full tutor support.
Upon successful completion of the assessments, learners will be awarded the NCFE Level 2 Certficate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care.
Investment figure shown above is fully inclusive of online study material, unlimited support, assessment, certification. VAT not applicable.
Email us for more information: or feel free to ring us on 0845 474 5005 for a no obligation advice and guidance session. We are here to help you choose the right course for you.